My Severe Weather Outlook

National Severe Weather Risk

Sunday, January 19th Marginal Risk
Monday, January 20th unknown/low risk
Tuesday, January 21st unknown/low risk
Wednesday, January 22nd unknown/low risk
Thursday, January 23rd unknown/low risk
Friday, January 24th unknown/low risk
Saturday, January 25th unknown/low risk
Sunday, January 26th unknown/low risk

Severe Weather Outlook Overview

Choose your outlook area

Storm Prediction Center severe weather outlooks cover the lower 48 states. Choose the national view, or a specific state in the list below.

Continental United States Overview

National Overview Image

Lower 48 States

Clicking on the state name will take you to the permanent page for that state. Clicking on "quick view" will load the state image below (good for quickly comparing several states).

Severe Weather Outlook Next 3 Days

About My Severe Weather Outlook

My Severe Weather Outlook is a site I’ve wanted to build for awhile.

It dates back as far as WickedWX (a severe weather site of mine that was eventually superseded by my work on severe weather

A spark of the idea was realized with the severe weather outlook site with a widget near the bottom of the page that will calculate the severe weather risk either by trying to guess your location via your IP address or by having you move the marker, as shown here:

screenshot of showing how to get your custom risk percentages

The biggest problem with this has been the reliance on external services that correlate IP addresses with approximate locations. Services that often fail or go offline completely. Sure, you can drag your marker every time, but that’s not very fun. And even if it worked 100%, it wasn’t the entire idea.

I wanted something where you could just visit a page, and it would give you information tailored to you, not a general outlook for the US where you needed to figure out if you were impacted or not.

I had even built a prototype of this idea many years back, but it was slow to load and would’ve been ridiculously expensive to run for anyone other than just me.

But thanks to modern web technologies, I can finally start to realize my ancient idea on My Severe Weather Outlook.

This site is still pretty new as I write this, so I’d still suggest checking out the following for more information: